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Carrot Ginger Dressing


This dressing is a nutrient powerhouse. Ginger is basically natures Advil. It’s anti-inflammatory properties from the gingerols compounds are well documented (it shares the pharmacological properties with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and studies have found it superior than ibuprofen for arthritis and joint pain. It is also known to be cancer fighting, and to help with gastrointestinal distress.

Soy products are contentious: some love them, some caution to stay away. A way to reconcile this is by understanding the difference between fermented soy products (miso, soy sauce, tempeh) and unfermented soy products (tofu, edamames, soymilk), and why fermented soy is recognized as vastly better (read more here and here and here). Fermented miso paste in the dressing brings all the probiotic goodness to your digestive tract that not only aid digestion but strengthen your immune system. It is also a complete protein, rich in vitamin-Bs (including B12 for all you vegans), and has minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, copper and magnesium.

And, carrots… The bright orange comes the beta-carotene, which is converted into a fantastic source of Vitamin A in the liver. This makes it highly known for its anti-oxidant properties, which translate into healthy and beautiful skin (slows down aging, protects from sun damage, evens skin tone, premature wrinkling, to name a few). The anti-oxidant properties also promote heart health. Finally, the falarinol present has recently been recognized for its anticancer properties.

This recipe is adapted from Gwyneth Paltrow's "It’s All Good". It makes about 2 1/2 cups – it may seem like a lot, but you will finish it in no time. Enjoy it over salads, steamed greens and vegetables, as a dip, as a spread in your sandwiches, or spooned over a half avocado (yummm). It will keep in the fridge up to a week or two.

Ingredients: 4 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped 1 large shallot, peeled and roughly chopped (~½ medium yellow or white onion) ¼ cup peeled and roughly chopped fresh ginger (add more if you love ginger) 2 tablespoons white miso paste ¼ cup rice wine vinegar 2 tablespoons raw honey 2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil 1/3 cup grapeseed oil (sub olive oil) ¼ cup water ½ teaspoon sea salt ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Puree in a blender until absolutely smooth.

Yields 2 ½ cups.

Carrot Ginger Dressing Quinoa Veg BowlJPG


Ingredientes: 4 zanahorias, peladas y cortadas 1 echalote grande, pelado y cortado (~½ cebolla blanca o amarilla mediana) ¼ taza jengibre pelado y cortado 2 cucharadas pasta de miso Blanca ¼ taza vinagre blanco de arroz 2 cucharadas miel cruda 2 cucharadas aceite de ajonjolí tostado 1/3 taza aceite de semilla de uva (ó aceite de oliva) ¼ taza agua ½ cucharadita sal de grano ½ cucharadita pimienta recién molida

Batir en una batidora hasta que este totalmente cremoso y uniforme.

Rinde 2 ½ tazas

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